Members’ Meetings with Nature Talks
Cookies and coffee will be served at Indoor Meetings (but not Birding Wing meetings). Please bring your own mug if possible to reduce our environmental impact.
The Nature London board has revised its masking guidelines for those attending in person. “Masking is no longer required at Nature London indoor meetings but encouraged, particularly for those individuals who are at higher risk for infection. We remain mask friendly. Please refrain from attending indoor meetings if you are currently experiencing an infection or illness, particularly an upper respiratory tract infection.”
Annual General Meeting & Lorraine Roy, Art Textiles (NL Members Only)
Textile artist Lorraine Roy will present her artistic journey in words and pictures as she describes how trees wove their way into her art and her heart.
How do small birds survive harsh winters? (NL Members Only)
Dr. Carrie Branch will discuss strategies animals use to survive winter when they don’t migrate and share some exciting results from a long-term research project in the Sierra Nevada mountains showing that natural selection acts on the spatial cognitive abilities of mountain chickadees.
Milkweed Species and Monarch Migration (NL Members Only)
Presentation or film on Monarchs.
Members’ Field Trips
Great Backyard Bird Count Walk (NL Members Only)
The event began in 1998 as an annual bird count in North America and runs each February. A February count allows for a snapshot of birds right before one of their annual migrations.
London, Ontario N6J 2X5 Canada
GBBC – Morrison Dam Exeter (NL Members Only)
Great Backyard Bird Count – Lets see what we can find around Morrison Dam in Exeter. Walk around the reservoir, IF water is open, waterfowl variety, small birds around on […]
Fanshawe CA Walk (NL Members Only)
We will walk several trails in Fanshawe Conservation Area to look for winter birds. We will try feeding them from the hand in several spots. Perhaps we’ll find some early […]
London, Ontario Canada
Gibbons Park Stroll (NL Members Only)
We will walk several trails (paved and unpaved) to look for birds and early signs of Spring. Directions: Meet in the parking lot by the tennis courts at the south […]
London, Ontario Canada
Community Events
See London Environment Network’s event calendar, Green in the City calendar, Urban League’s event calendar, and Wild Bird’s Unlimited homepage for more events.
Free Webinar from Ontario Nature – Focus on the Election
This free webinar will be hosted by Betty Plewes of Climate Legacy and Lesley Rudy of Ontario Nature. The focus is the Ontario election on February 27, 2025. Specifically, and what groups […]
Nature in the City – Climate Action Superhero – Daria Koscinski
This talk will focus on nature-based climate
solutions we can support as part of our
personal climate action commitments.
Featherfields Little Nature Explorers
Join our Little Nature Explorers for a fun and engaging 30-minute indoor nature class, perfect for young explorers at Featherfields in Wortley Village! Through hands-on crafts, interactive games, and exciting […]