- Call for Volunteers to staff the Nature London display table for 30 minutes before each night of Nature in the City
Nature in the City is back every Tuesday night (January 21 to February 25) from 7 to 8:30 PM at the Wolf Performance Hall in the Central Library. Members of the public may ask questions about the club and membership. Here is the NITC poster. Please email Kathleen Holland at hollandkm@hotmail.com along with your preferred dates.
- Trends and Roost Size Dynamics of Chimney Swifts in London, Ontario
While the Chimney Swift Monitoring Program prepares annual reports, this report covers an analysis of data from 2003 to 2023. It was prepared by Mackenzie Amlin and her academic supervisor, Yolanda E. Morbey. The report is available in the Chimney Swift section of the Resources page.
- The Membership Password Changed on November 1
Please see the back of this year’s membership card for the new password to the Members-Only pages. If you don’t have the new card, please renew online or by using the paper forms sent to you last August. Problems? Our Membership Secretary will be glad to help.
- Special Offer
Members must use their password to access the invitation.
- Finance Committee Q&A Session: 6:45-7:15, October 10
The Finance Committee has prepared a detailed explanation that is now available online. Before the regular Indoor Meeting, Nature London’s Finance Committee will host an in-person only question-and-answer session to address options for handling recent bequests.
- London Symphonia Discount Offer for Members Only
For the 2024-25 Season, London Symphonia is happy to offer Nature London members 10% off their ticket price. This does not include subscriptions. See this members-only page for details.
- Subscribe to Ontario Nature’s Network News
Nature London is a founding member of Ontario Nature (formerly the Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON). Learn more or receive the Ontario Nature Network Newsletter at Ontario Nature Net. The August 2024 issue has conservation updates for Ontario Nature’s 150 member groups and supporters.
See this time-limited offer for members only. https://www.naturelondon.com/special-offer/
- Submitting Photos to The Cardinal and the Image Database
The Cardinal is always interested in receiving photos from members. All photos received are archived in the club’s Image Database. Some are used to illustrate articles. Some of the best appear in colour on the front and back covers of the Cardinal. For more information see Submissions to the Image Database