Image Database

Image Database

The database continues to be housed on a dedicated HP 17” Zbook computer. Work continues on removing duplicate files and indexing images for easier search and retrieval.

This year we added a dedicated solid state backup drive to increase the security of the system.

Members continue to contribute their photographs of their nature observations and also as recorders of club meetings and field trips. Images used in each issue of the Cardinal are indexed. The database now contains over 15,000 images. These include:

Nature specimen photographs: birds, plants and wildflowers (approx. 11,000 images),

Views of natural areas,

Photographs of club meetings, field trips, workshops, banquets, awards,

Archival material including old photographs of historical interest,

Drawings by members of birds, plants, etc.

Graphics used in production of the Cardinal We have many excellent photographers among the Nature London membership who continue to provide excellent images of plants, birds, insects, etc. We feature the best new images from Nature London’s members on the back page of The Cardinal.

John Berry