Friends of Kilally Meadows
“Buckthorn Busting” Project
As one of the recipients of a 2018 Nature London Eco-Grant, the Friends of Kilally Meadows (the Friends) was awarded $950 to support their “Buckthorn Busting” efforts. The group removes invasive buckthorn flanking the Thames Valley Trail on the north side of the Kilally Meadows Environmentally Significant Area (ESA). Stumps are covered with a secured plastic bag to prevent regrowth. Buckthorn seedlings are also removed.
The Buckthorn Busts in the Kilally Meadows ESA are the creation of Mike Robertson and Betty Nafziger. The Friends provided labour for four of twelve busts in 2018 as well as food and beverages for participants on two occasions.
Upon hearing Mike state that it would be very helpful for participants to have adequate numbers of high quality tools at their disposal, the Friends successfully applied to Nature London for an Eco-Grant. The new tools (saws, loppers, shovels, gardening forks and hand pruners) have allowed organizers to accommodate more participants
and allowed those participants to cut and remove buckthorn with greater ease.
Through their efforts, the Friends assist in protecting the ecological health and unique habitats of the 350-acre Kilally Meadows ESA that are threatened by the encroachment of invasive species. In their efforts, which will continue in 2019, they have been supported by the City of London in the person of Linda McDougall, for which they are most grateful.
Nature London is most pleased to recognize and support the work of the Friends through the Eco-Grants program. Club members are encouraged to visit Kilally and, if anyone asks you the purpose of those black bags, you’ll know!